Every day I have a battle with my brain. Every day I lose this battle.

It’s always at work, where I’m most in need of a distraction.

I am minding my own business keeping busy when out of the corner of my eye I see that bowl of candy sitting on my desk.

Mistake numero uno is keeping it stocked with everything that I love. Why do I do that?

Somewhere in my mind I’m under the impression that overnight I received the gift of self-control.

I think, “Heck, I’ve got some extra calories for the day. I can have a snack sized Hershey bar and it won’t kill me.”

I be wrong. Totally wrong.

Five minutes later this is usually the pathetic, sad scene that has unfolded…

Candy bowl is toppled over, candy wrappers strewn all over the place and chocolate smeared all over my face. 

 I end up with a candy baby belly.

And that’s the secret to how to not lose weight.

[This post and any illustrated posts I do are loosely inspired by Hyperbole and a Half. Obviously she is SO much funnier than I am. But some moments in life just need to be illustrated.]