How many of you have been to Cracker Barrel?  Me–I go as often as I can.  It’s sort of a tradition to go anytime we’re out of town with Eric and Auntie Lauren.  The men just can’t get enough of the Uncle Herschel.  There’s also the Peg Game.


When we were in Tulsa at the Cracker Barrel this lovely waitress came up to our table–granted she wasn’t OUR waitress but she had a secret.  She started whispering, “Do you wanna know how to do it?”


We all said sure—obviously we wanted to know how to defeat the almighty pegs.  Knock em’ down a peg or two if you will. (Was that my lamest joke?)  So, she starts looking around like she was getting ready to tell us a Cracker Barrel secret recipe or something.  Then she was just standing there kind of talking out the side of her mouth.  She came up with the most ridiculous formula–something along the lines of:

“Ok, you see two and two is four and two and four is six…now take that one and that one. There ya’ go. Now that one and that one. Ok, now look at what you have left two, two and two.  Now take that one and that one and then that one and that one…there ya’ go.  One left…” As she was spouting out this ridiculous formula she was poking the pegs with her nasty long nails.

She still was looking around like a mafia boss was going to come whack her for telling us the secret to the IMPOSSIBLE peg game.  But we got it.  At least we thought we had it…


Look at that–a perfect triangle of pegs!  Now THAT is an accomplishment!

These two could totaly beat the peg game if only they had opposable thumbs. 



By the way, I’m really not one to BRAG but I have to.  I was THE comment of the day on The Bloggess yesterday! I feel partially famous!